Wolfsschanze - Wolf's Lair and concentration and extermination camps.

Wolf's Lair is a bunker town surrounded by forest, lakes and swamps. It is the largest and most recognizable field command headquarters of Adolf Hitler, which was in use from 1941 to 1945. Wolf's Lair is located in Gierłoż near Kętrzyn. This place is also related to the history of concentration and extermination camps.

  • the decision to build the Bełżec camp was made in the Wolf's Lair?

  • The family of Hitler's main assassin of July 20, 1944 - Claus von Stauffenberg - was imprisoned in KL Stutthof?

  • Herbert Lange - the first commandant of the Kulmhof extermination camp and Fort VII played the main role in the arrest of the conspirators from the failed assassination attempt of July 20, 1944?


Wilczy Szaniec
Wilczy Szaniec
Wilczy Szaniec