Eichmann – coordinator of the final solution
Adolf Eichmann (born March 19, 1906 in Solingen, died May 31, 1962 in Ramla) - SS officer in the rank of lieutenant colonel of Austrian origin, one of the key figures of the "Final Solution" and one of the main coordinators of Operation Reinhardt.
In April 1932, he joined the Austrian Nazi Party and received a membership number 899 895. In 1933, Eichmann arrived in Bavaria, where he operated in the motor section, intercepting the Nazis fleeing from Austria to Bavaria. In January 1934, he was transferred to the Austrian Legion, to Dachau near Munich. He underwent military training and ideological indoctrination. In September, he joined the SD, which was then an insignificant auxiliary organization gathering intelligence, through which he directly met Reinhard Heydrich. He underwent further training, after which he was transferred to the Masonic section of the SD.
In 1938, Eichmann returned to Austria, which was annexed by Nazi Germany. He founded the prototype Central Office for Jewish Emigration. Jews were deprived of their property and forced to emigrate, left with only small savings. The only alternative was death at the hands of the Gestapo. Eichmann spread terror and panic among the subordinate Jewish officials.
After the outbreak of the war in 1939, Eichmann's main task was to remove Jews from the Third Reich and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Eichmann initiated the "Nisko Plan", which was rooted in alternated Zionist ideas. He intended to create a Jewish colony in the Lublin District, in the newly formed General Government. The task was to resettle several thousand Jews from Ostrava, Vienna and Katowice.
On January 20, 1942, at the Wannsee Conference, Eichmann prepared statistics and a speech for the head of the SD. He was also a record clerk and one of the people who, together with Heydrich and the head of the Gestapo, Heinrich Müller, outlined a plan for the Final Solution.
In 1944, he was sent to Budapest, from where the invasion of Hungary began. Hungary remained one of the few countries where the "Reinhardt" campaign was not carried out. At the time of the invasion, about 720,000 Jews stayed in Hungary, of which about 430,000 were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau over a short period of time. It is estimated that around 80% were sent directly to gas chambers as soon as they arrived at the camp.
After the war, he managed to hide his identity. In 1946, thanks to the help of the Vatican, he emigrated to Argentina. He was tracked down and recognized, and then kidnapped by Mossad agents. Intoxicated by drugs, he was transported to Israel on May 22, 1960. In 1961, he was found guilty and sentenced to death. Among others, he was charged with: crimes against Jewish people, crimes against humanity, war crimes against Jews, crimes against other nations, belonging to criminal organizations (SS/SD).
See also: April 11, 1961 - the trial of Adolf Eichmann
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